Raising awareness where it really matters
Brand identity
Graphic design
Barnwood Trust is a charity acting as an agent of social change, working alongside disabled people and people with mental health conditions to create that change. Since 2021 we have supported the Trust with numerous projects, helping to raise awareness, remove barriers and help the work of the Trust. Some of our favourite and most important work to date.

Barnwood Circle
In 2021 Barnwood Trust commissioned Bitter Lemon Creative to create a name and brand identity for their new membership scheme. Through an extensive series of workshops with the Barnwood team and experts by lived experience, we created the Barnwood Circle.

Inside or out?
After multiple possible candidates, as a group we chosen the name Barnwood Circle. This posed interesting feedback as half the group considered a circle inclusive (because they saw themselves inside the circle) while the other half saw the circle as exclusive (because they thought of themselves as outside). To be successful, the membership scheme had to be inclusive so the question was, how to show an open and closed circle?
The answer
Through consultation during the workshops, we came to understand, the membership group isn’t one big group all with the same challenges. The membership is actually lots of smaller groups (circles) coming together with a common goal. Therefore it made sense that the Barnwood Circle icon is actually made up of a collective of smaller circles. One is neither in nor out, but part of the greater idea.

Empowered Employers.
Disabled people face a complex range of barriers to accessing meaningful employment. These barriers show up in attitudes, financial barriers, spaces, policies, and practices. In 2021 Barnwood Trust commissioned Bitter Lemon Creative to create a name and brand identity for a new initiative to tackle these barriers.
The Academy of Empowered Employers, later shortened to Empowered Employers is a campaign that looks at the three ways in which barriers to employment present themselves; the employment gap, the pay gap and the opportunities gap.
Changing perceptions with a poster
The poster psychologically delivers the mission of the Academy by educating the reader and changing their perception of the message of the poster. The quote gives the misconception and stops the viewer in their tracks. The handwritten word corrects the misconception. The Did You Know fact further educates the reader. The logo and tagline join the dots together.
The Empowered Employers campaign is heavily driven by research into both audience and employers .

The flywheel
Each action leads to the next and continuous movement increases the rate of change.

Enrolled employers.